Update on the Selective Shad Eradication at Lake Waveland

Started by wayniac, November 21, 2010, 09:29:46 AM

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The DNR conducted a follow up inspection on 11-15-10 after the selective shad eradication project that was conducted on 11-4-10 and concluded that the lake was ready for a little restocking. They were planning on stocking up to 1790 Musky on 11-17-10 and up to 17,900 Largemouth Bass on 11-18-10 depending on the hatchery availability.
Wayne Judd
Indy Bass Club
Vice President 2010
Website/ Forum Moderator


Confirmed with the DNR that the Musky were stocked but the Largemouth Bass were not stocked due to availability. Projects at Pisgh and Stark used up all they had.
Wayne Judd
Indy Bass Club
Vice President 2010
Website/ Forum Moderator


intriguing project...I'm assuming the selective part is the introduction of predator species that can utilize all those adult gizzard shad?


The selective part of the eradication is lowering the lake level to reduce surface area and concentrate the fish. partion the lake into sections and apply a .1% Retonone and observe the results. Optimum results is maximum shad kill and minimal sport fish collateral damage. The result was good. There were huge dead shad everywhere on the shoreline and minimal collateral damage. A friend reported seeing 1 small dead LM Bass, 1 small and one large musky were also reported. The Musky stocking is the continuation of regular annual stockings taking place for the past 5-6 years. The Musky stocking is one component to help manage shad population. See the November 20th article at www.bigindianabass.com for a post treatment report of a couple 4 pounders. 

Wayne Judd
Wayne Judd
Indy Bass Club
Vice President 2010
Website/ Forum Moderator


thanks Wayne..like I said:  a very cool concept...and creative thinking

thanks for bringing this up...