when you lose a lure that is working.

Started by Hobious, April 27, 2024, 09:25:03 AM

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super fun!!

my last trip to OK was eye opening.  I learned that I really need to be careful, and meticulous when it comes to tying my leader knots.  any knots actually.  I lost two GREAT lures to GREAT fish.  big blow ups on topwater only to lean back into the "tug", feel the drag sing..and "twick!"..the knot lets go.

the words that come out of my mouth are not repeatable.  hahaha..  I would retie evevything back at camp, under good lighting, while wearing my reading glasses after I lost my lucky walking bait.  it was so cool..the waves were big.  I could walk my bait up and down the waves like a surfer.  I saw the big fish in the waves, and it took my bait.  my knot never stood a chance.

and next time,, I am taking three of each.  :D