YouTube- It's Who You Know???

Started by D.W. Verts, February 05, 2024, 01:08:28 PM

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D.W. Verts

I decided a while back to push my YT bass fishin' channel. Not sure why, maybe I was just bored. Or maybe it was the challenge- growing a YT bass fishing channel is difficult at best. I approached it a little differently than some and it has been working. Just about 50 new subs a week for the last two months. Awesome, and a pretty great community (they like old dude talk I reckon). And then Randy happened.

Randy Blaukat and I aren't old buddies. He's one of many that I've met over the years and had experiences with. His YT channel is controversial and he gets a lot of attention. So then he goes and mentions MY channel yesterday and BOOM. 500 new subs. Just wow.

I'd have made it without him, but it was a nice shot in the arm. I'm lucky I guess. That being said, even though I myself am mouthy I do NOT intend on having a political and anti-FFS channel. That's Randy's stick to carry.

So thanks Randy and a huge thank you to the UB members who watch my junk. It really is much appreciated.

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That was very nice of him to give you a shout out.  My buddy Jim and I left YouTube back in 2020 with quite the following.  We had our reasons which are not worth going into.  I don't knock anyone for staying but we decided to stick to our decision and go a different route on Rumble.  It was more of a task than I ever thought.  We thought about throwing in the towel given the amount of money we started making on YouTube when we left.  Finally, things are turning for the better for us.  We just crossed the 1,000-sub mark on Rumble which is quite the feat given there are far less viewers on there.  It's nice to finally feel like you have turned the corner.  So, congratulations to you on your achievement and sticking to who you are.  I totally respect that. 
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