Rod Locker Organizer

Started by BassBUFF, October 19, 2006, 01:15:28 PM

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Don't have a rod organizer in your boat? I didn't either until I made one! This one cost me about $35 and a couple of hours to build. Here's some pics:

Parts: Cardboard (for templates)
         plastic butcher blocks (2 ea)
         golf club tubes (how many rods are you gonna store?)
         small bungee cords (1 pk, got mine at a $ store)

Tools: Jigsaw w/fine tooth balde
         Drill w/hole saw bits (or you could cut them out with the jigsaw)

1. Use your cardboard and make templates for both ends. You'll want these to be a tight fit because your blocks will be "wedged" in place.
2. Cut the butcher blocks to size utilizing the cardboard templates. Remember that it's OK to make it a little big. You can always cut/sand off more, but you can't replace what you've cut.
3. Draw out how you want your rods to fit and cut your holes accordingly.
4. I added some small bungee cord around the handle holes to keep the rods from bouncing around.
5. Tap your blocks into place using a hammer for a tight fit, don't get too tight or you might pop the cap of your boat!!
6. Insert and glue down your tubes, let dry overnight.

Sit back and enjoy your handy work  ;PEP)!


 ~c~ Awesome Idea. Looks like it turned out great as well. will have to keep that in mind when I get me a boat. Thanks for the tip.


that is a great job. how big of a piece of that stuff can you buy? doug


That is very cool BassBUFF, I just wish I had enough room in my rod locker to actually put on ein.  Mine might fit two rods in there. 

Maybe when I get a different boat....



Great looking job BassBuff. Looks professional.   ~c~ ~c~


can you make some for my 1977 teddy williams fiberglass boat??? also might need to make me a locker to put them in too lol


Mr. bigmouth

92 Procraft 170 Pro / Mercury 115


Quote from: docav on October 19, 2006, 06:26:03 PM
that is a great job. how big of a piece of that stuff can you buy? doug

The local wally world had some about 16"x18" (size not exact) for about $10. I did a google search on plastic cutting boards and found a place that will make them custom for you, the cuttingboard


I have a similar set up in my Champion.  Kentucky Lake shook things up a bit and I have some realigning to do to it this winter.  They are nice to keep things untangled and organized, but it cuts down on the number of rigs you can keep in the locker.  I may be looking to change mine out soon so I can fit more combos in there.


great idea How many rods do you have in there I have about 8 rods 1 6' and the rest 6'6" and 7'
and what size did you drill you holes


I usually carry 8, but it'll hold 12. I can't remember the exact size of the holes, I just matched up the size to the tubes. Went a 1/2" bigger than my largest rod end. I've got 2 7ft rods in there too.


Bass buff THANKS  for the tip I've been looking for something for years I even bought that thing from BPS that the tips go into it su**s now just to figure out to find time to do it.


Glad you found this useful, that's what this site is all about! It only took a couple hours here and there putting it in. Just post here or pm me if you've got any questions.

Oh, and make sure you get us some pics when you're done ;D!


A great add to this site - and I was just telling the wife about golf club tubes for this application.  She gave me this look like - "You want to do what?"  Now I can show her - pic worth a thousand words.  Thanks!!
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small.
Rascal Flatts


this is the front end of my organizer that bassbuff gave me the ideal for kinda messed up on the holes but still worked out alright.  Have to wait til I glue the tubes in to install it in the box it'll be at least 2 days til it's done.

here is the back end already in the box


Shoot, that looks better than mine :'(:roll2:

Great job ~c~ ~c~!


I have been toying with this for a while.  My issue is the back part.  I figured out that you can build one for the back out of wood, with a hook cut into the wood.  I bought some plastic/rubber spray, and will be coating the wood with it. It will look like the pro one for the back.  If it works like I think it will I'l llet you guys know.


How are ya'll getting the cut right on the plastic? I know I read something about using cardboard for a template but I still do not see exactly how you are getting it so perfect looking...


QuotePosted on: Today at 08:12:02 AMPosted by: bassadict69 
Insert Quote
How are ya'll getting the cut right on the plastic? I know I read something about using cardboard for a template but I still do not see exactly how you are getting it so perfect looking...

Use the cardboard to get the shape right then just transfer it to the cutting board. I used a fine tooth blade on a jigsaw to cut the cutting board.

Quote from: J10B on November 08, 2006, 07:58:42 AM
I have been toying with this for a while.  My issue is the back part.  I figured out that you can build one for the back out of wood, with a hook cut into the wood.  I bought some plastic/rubber spray, and will be coating the wood with it. It will look like the pro one for the back.  If it works like I think it will I'l llet you guys know.

I llike that idea! Let us know how it comes out.


my rubber spray is on the way.  Im thinking about a U shape with l brackets into the sub floor.

Ron Fogelson

You guys are full of ideas!

buzzinbass you did a great job, looks fantastic  ~c~


Thanks guys
Quote from: bassadict69 on November 08, 2006, 08:12:02 AM
How are ya'll getting the cut right on the plastic? I know I read something about using cardboard for a template but I still do not see exactly how you are getting it so perfect looking...

I used the cardboard then I switch it to an old peice of paneling then inserted the paneling into the spot and trimmed where needed then fit again took me about 6 hours maybe alittle more to get to where you can glue the tubes to the plastic.

I thought about making mine out of wood then I thought I have a seat opening on the front of my deck so I can fish 2 up front and still sit down if need to. and if it rained it would get wet down there unless I put a plug in it.


Here's the pics I had to redo it several times to get them right first time didn't get it set back far enough to get one of my rods in


if you use carpet on the board you can cut the holes 1 1/4 and you pvc pipe for larger holes, the carpet will hold the pvc in the holes VERY snug