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General Bass Fishing Discussion => Dock Talk => Chronic Pain => Topic started by: BigDBasser on June 20, 2018, 07:13:13 AM

Title: Cancer Stories
Post by: BigDBasser on June 20, 2018, 07:13:13 AM
I know several members have battled cancer and have their own story to tell.  I for one have not shared this on the board because I'm not looking for sympathy.  I have found that by talking to other cancer survivors, it helps me to understand what my body is doing and how the treatments are affecting me. 

I was diagnosed with Esophageal cancer in December of 2017.  I underwent chemo and radiation treatments followed by surgery to remove my esophagus.  In January of this year the doctor found the cancer had returned and I have Stage 4 cancer in my lung and an area between my stomach and back bone.  Fortunately the spots were discovered early and I am going though more Chemo.  Too early to tell if it's helping but another month or so we will know.

This round of Chemo is much harsher than the first round and thus I am experiencing a few more side effects.  I'm 67 so my hair falling out is no big deal for me.  It's the loss of energy that bothers me the most. 

If you are dealing with cancer, share your story with us.  I for one thank it helps to know you're not alone and all the encouragement and support you can get will help.  I'm a firm believer that attitude goes a long way in your fight for life. 

If you don't want to talk about this in open forum, than PM me and I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have and share my experience with you.
Title: Re: Cancer Stories
Post by: Lipripper on June 20, 2018, 01:43:22 PM
Thanks for sharing your story with us and I'm sorry that they found more cancer and that it has spread and pray that the second round of treatment gets it all. I have shared my story and some pictures here before. I had found a lump on the side of my neck in may of 2015 when I was on a fishing trip up in Michigan at my sons. When I got back I went to my regular doctor and he made an appointment for me to see a cancer doctor . They took a CT scan of my head and neck area and found that the knot in my  neck was a Left Jugular Thrombosis so they put me on blood thinners to try and break up the clot in my jugular vain. They looked at the CT scar a little closer and discovered a growth on the base of my tongue. They did a biopsy and discovered that I had Cancer Of The Base Of Tongue. The Cancer doctors decided that they would try and treat it with Chemo and radiation first so that's the way we went. It's a scary thing to have your head strapped down to a table while they do them Chemo treatments. Here are a few pictures of  it.

The mask that they made to fit my face.

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Me in the mask and going into the machine.

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I had 30 treatments of radiation one a day during the week and a break on the weekend then start aging the next week. I only had three doses of Chemo which each treatment took about 3 to 4 hours for them to put the chemo drugs into me. I was fine all the way up till about around my last treatment of Chemo and then it hit me. I lost my strength and desire to eat and soon started loosing weight. In a two month time frame I went from 215 lbs all the way down to 150 lbs and was in danger of going even lower. They put a feeding tube in me and that's what I had to keep me alive because I had no desire to eat anything. After all my treatments were over that did a PET scan of my whole body to see if the cancer has spread anywhere else and thank God it came back clear. It took me about a year and a half before I was eating again and they took out the feeding tube and it's been out for almost a year and I'm holding my weight between 185 to 195 so I'm happy with that. I didn't have any energy or strength so I couldn't go fishing ofr almost two years and have just started back up again and have been on two trips sine the end of my treatments. I still don't have my strength back and get tired easy. I have to go back to srr my cancer doctors every three months now so they can keep an eye on me to try and catch it early if it comes back again. I live with that thought in the back of my mind all the time. You have to keep a PMA ( positive mental attitude ) and keep on going. I'm learned to live with the side effects of my treatment but I sure hope I don't have to go through it again.

Title: Re: Cancer Stories
Post by: Smallie_Stalker on June 20, 2018, 05:07:41 PM
Prayers going out for you BigD.

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer back in December. December 05th 2017 to be exact was the date I heard the words "you have cancer".  I am fortunate in that they caught it very early and it is contained to a very small area in only one of the 12 sections of the prostate that they biopsy.

When it comes to this type of cancer it doesn't have any symptoms of it's own. It is usually found when men start to have trouble urinating and/or blood work shows an elevated PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) level. This is why so many men don't get diagnosed until it is in a much later stage. They just figure the enlarged prostate and urinary problems are a normal part of aging. Most don't even tell their doctor's about it.

So far I have seen two urologists and 1 radiation oncologist and for treatment all 3 recommended what is called "active surveillance" which basically means they do blood work every 3 months and an MRI and re-biopsy every 12 months. But no surgery or radiation until it becomes "necessary". What no one will tell me is what they consider "necessary".  >:(

I have to admit I am not comfortable with this approach but it seems I have no choice at this point because no doctor I have seen is willing to do anything about it. I am told I could live till I'm 100 and and die With this but not From it. I'm not sure I believe that.

I don't experience a lot of pain at this point although there is some in the prostate but I believe that is mostly due to how inflamed it is. I am sure if/when I have to have some form of treatment that will change at least for the short term.

My next PSA check is due in two weeks so we will see if anything has changed and what the doctors have to say then.

And then there is the monetary cost of having this disease.

I'm gonna share a little something else here that worries me. I currently have no health insurance. My job cut my hours to 20 a week which makes me a part-time employee and they don't have to provide health insurance to part-time employees. I am actively looking for another job (I had 2 interviews today). But at age 58 it doesn't seem that there are a lot of places eager to hire someone my age.

The cost of radiation treatment could easily run well over 100K, and I can't even begin to imagine what surgery, hospital stay after and home recovery is going to cost. I have a real fear that when the time comes to "need" treatment for the disease I will be refused because I won't be able to pay for it. That is a sobering thought.

But despite it all I am trying my best to keep a PMA and my faith. That and the support of friends and family are what is going to get me through this. That is where I am trying to keep my focus.

Title: Re: Cancer Stories
Post by: Kris on June 20, 2018, 07:12:19 PM
Sorry to hear that BigDBasser.
I was just diagnosed on June 8th with a pancreatic mass and stomach cancer. Matter of fact I just got back from the hospital where they did another endoscopy, first one not completed, to see how extensive it is. They also took a biopsy from the pancreatic mass and an ultrasound of it. So I am just getting started on my journey through this.
I don't think any of us are looking for sympathy but more to help others who are going through it or will in the future. Thanks for sharing on the New Chronic Pain Board.
Title: Re: Cancer Stories
Post by: BigDBasser on June 21, 2018, 06:21:20 AM
For me, talking about how I was feeling with someone who had gone thru the same form of cancer, helped a lot.  I also found a very informative book that cleared up a lot of questions.  The name of the book is "Choices" The most complete sourcebook for cancer information.  I would recommend that if you can find a copy to get it. 

Kris, your's is a form of cancer very similar to mine so please don't hesitate to ask me any questions.  If you'd like I'll PM you my personal phone number and we can talk. 

Smallie, good luck with the job hunting,  Good insurance will be a key in your fight. 

Lipripper, I too went from 256 down to 200 in a matter of months.  I was on the feeding tube for 3 weeks before I decided that I would not be tied to a tube and bag of whatever it was for 14 hours a day.  I made myself eat 6-8 times a day until I until my weight stabilized. 

Attitude it your best friend.  Keep a positive attitude even in the worst of times and it'll help.  Family support is another big help.  My family has come together to offer support and help. 

One other thing, try looking into teaching hospitals.  My first round of cancer was handled by Texas Oncology.  They did a fantastic job, no complaints.  But when it came back I started looking at other places.  I finally settled on UT Southwestern in Dallas.  Specifically the Harold D. Simmions Cancer Conservative.  My new doctor explained to me that the original doctor that I used at Texas Oncology hadf done everything just the way he would have.  The difference is latter on, as he put it, his toolbox is bigger than most with all the research and trials that I can get into as the cancer progresses.

Good luck guys and all of you are now in my prayers.  Nathan
Title: Re: Cancer Stories
Post by: Kris on June 21, 2018, 08:59:49 AM
Quote from: BigDBasser on June 21, 2018, 06:21:20 AM
For me, talking about how I was feeling with someone who had gone thru the same form of cancer, helped a lot.  I also found a very informative book that cleared up a lot of questions.  The name of the book is "Choices" The most complete sourcebook for cancer information.  I would recommend that if you can find a copy to get it. 

Kris, your's is a form of cancer very similar to mine so please don't hesitate to ask me any questions.  If you'd like I'll PM you my personal phone number and we can talk. .......................................................................
Good luck guys and all of you are now in my prayers.  Nathan
As you can see I am in the really early stages of diagnosis on this. My Oncologist is the Head of the Carroll County Cancer Center at Carroll County Hospital. This man was my wife and MIL's oncologist for their breast cancer. MIL had a very aggressive type and my wife's was a slower estrogen based cancer.
Yesterday I had a successful endoscopy done and two biopsies with an ultrasound of the pancreatic mass. Next appointment is with my Cardiologist for a new EKG. That will be followed by a PET Scan and putting in the port for chemo. While that is healing I will be sitting down with my Oncologist to discuss where we go from here.
My two biggest regrets so far are the always being tired and loss of my get up and go. Normally I am a very active Senior and can never get enough fishing since I retired. I actually forced myself to fish a Club Tournament last weekend so I would do it. I take a nap everyday and end up going to bed at 9PM most of the time. All very unlike the healthy me.
I have lost 60+ pounds since I retired in March of 2016. I believe most of that to be intentional weight loss. I was an on the road guy for AAA Mid-Atlantic so most days my lunch was fast food. Just stopping that I am sure took care of a lot. With my reduced food intake because of the constant upset stomach I am sure that I will lose more caused by this. I don't want to go below 220 so I will work to maintain that weight. Cindy and I just discussed this morning about changing my eating habits to accomplish this.
We will see.
Title: Re: Cancer Stories
Post by: Deadeye on June 21, 2018, 09:41:01 AM
I've already written about this in the Florida section, so I'll just add this here.

I am just starting treatment for Prostate Cancer. My biopsy showed cancer in 6 of the 12 squares they divide it into. One of them came back as 80% positive.

We have chosen to go with Hormone Shots and High Dose External Radiation. I have started the Hormone Shots already.

I have noticed already a side effect of tiredness, and body swelling. If I drive for a long period of time my legs swell up from the hips down until I have trouble bending my knees.

I see my cancer dr on July 5th to work out the treatment schedule. I know I will get a total of 45, done 5 Days a week for 9 weeks.

It is what it is.
Title: Re: Cancer Stories
Post by: Oldfart9999 on June 21, 2018, 11:39:00 AM
All of you guys are in my prayers!!!
Title: Re: Cancer Stories
Post by: BigDBasser on August 01, 2018, 12:01:41 AM
Just wanted to give ya'll an update on my condition:

I have been taking chemo therapy for three months now, with only a few side effects.  I have  lost most of my hair on the top of my head and what's left I cut short to avoid the comb over look.  On the day of chemo and the next day, I have to take a sleeping pill to sleep from all the things they give me.  After that, I don't have a lot of trouble sleeping.  I'm ready for a nap in the afternoon after I get home from work.  And on a few occasions I have to take a nausea pill that seems to take care of it.

This is the third month of chemo, so it was time for my first PET CT Scan to see how the treatments are going.  The results of the scan had mixed reviews.  The good news is that the two original spot had changed for the better.  The spot in my lung had shrunk in size and didn't light up as bright as before.  The second spot between the stomach and back bone either did not light up at all, or it was too insignificant to warrant mentioning.  The mixed news is there are 2 new spots in my lung.  One is in the lower lobe.  It was very faint and only about 4mm in size.  This could be caused by an infection or several other reasons.  The second new area of concern was that the back of my lung was thicker than the last Pet CT Scan.  Not sure what this means.  It could of been how I was laying on the table when the picture was taken.  Either way the PA said that most of the time, these are nothing,  To be on the safe side, she is having several doctors look at the scan to get their opinion.  I will find out more next week when I see my main doctor.

I'm going to be riding high from this report knowing that something good is happening. 

I know that going thru any cancer is stressful for you and all your loved ones.  I haven't heard of a good kind of cancer so any and all the support you can get helps you deal with the situation.  Don't be afraid to reach out to someone to ease your anxiety and fear of the unknown.  I'm here to support each and everyone of you that are going thru this battle. 

Attitude and determination is a good combination to have to help your doctors fight this monster. 

Keep us informed on how you are doing.  Prayers for all of you.
Title: Re: Cancer Stories
Post by: Deadeye on August 01, 2018, 07:12:10 AM
Glad to hear it's working for you! Keep doing what you need to do and may God bless you with perfect health.

I keep updating my Thread in the Fl Chat Section of the site, but I'll add some here as well.

I've had the 2nd round of Hormone Shots, which was a 3 month time release dose at my choice. I decided to do that vs getting one a month for the next 3 month.

So far the biggest factor is the Night Sweats. I get Hot Flashes that I feel burning down deep inside then they overflow me until I'm burning up and covered with sweat. At night these get unreal. Last night I forgot to wear a t-shirt to bed and woke up covered with wet sweat, so much so that the sheets were soaked and so was my pillow. Then I freeze from the water and cold that also hits my body.

I got up and put a T-Shirt on and that helps by capturing the sweat and holding it so the bed doesn't get so bad.

Most evenings I'll hit a Freezing Period where I will get so cold that I will physically shake. The wife took a photo of me one night all covered up in a throw while it is 78 degrees in the house.

I start the Radiation next week on Tuesday then will get it 5 days a week for 9 weeks.

Keep on Keeping on.
Title: Re: Cancer Stories
Post by: Smallie_Stalker on August 01, 2018, 12:09:17 PM
Thank you for the update BigD. I have you in my daily prayers. I have everyone here in my daily prayers. We may have different types of this disease but we all share many things in common in battling it.

Being there for each other and sharing our experiences as we go through it will help us all.

Sent from my LG-H932 (LG V30 Plus) using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Cancer Stories
Post by: FloridaFishinFool on August 01, 2018, 12:13:54 PM
God bless to all who suffer
Title: Re: Cancer Stories
Post by: Lipripper on August 01, 2018, 12:29:20 PM
BigD thanks for the update and will keep praying for some good results for you. Fred I have you in my prayers ever morning and every evening while I'm laying in my recliner waiting to get sleepy. Same thing for you too Smallie and for everyone here has is or has gone through this cancer thing. I'm still trying to regain my strength but so far I'm still cancer free and in November when I go back for my next full body CAT scan and if everything looks good I will only have go back to see my Cancer Docs every six months. I'm learning to live with my numb feet and weakness and not sure it will ever get any better but life goes on.
Title: Re: Cancer Stories
Post by: Mike Cork on August 01, 2018, 01:32:00 PM
Big D and Fred thanks for the updates. I can't imagine what you guys are going through. I do know it's a great thing that you two, smallie, and lip are all talking about it. Keeps the mind flexing and positive.

Thanks for your stories. Sitting here about to turn 50, I worry about cancer, I smoked for 35 years. But Lungs are still clear, I have no unexplained pain. I do however enjoy an afternoon nap, especially when it's extremely hot outside :surrender:
Title: Re: Cancer Stories
Post by: Smallie_Stalker on August 01, 2018, 06:03:27 PM
Quote from: Mike Cork on August 01, 2018, 01:32:00 PM
Big D and Fred thanks for the updates. I can't imagine what you guys are going through. I do know it's a great thing that you two, smallie, and lip are all talking about it. Keeps the mind flexing and positive.

Thanks for your stories. Sitting here about to turn 50, I worry about cancer, I smoked for 35 years. But Lungs are still clear, I have no unexplained pain. I do however enjoy an afternoon nap, especially when it's extremely hot outside :surrender:
The reason prostate cancer is the second biggest killer of men on America is because it really has no symptoms of it's own so it goes undetected until it's too late.

I know it might not be something you want to subject yourself to but you may want to see a urologist and have the old glove and finger test and even a biopsy or at least MRI done on your prostate.

My primary had originally passed off my increase in PSA levels as a normal part of aging for men 40 and older known as BPH. When the 2 meds she prescribed to help that didn't work she sent me to tje urologist and well you know the rest of the story.

The earlier they catch it the better your chances of long term survival. My urologist told me for men it's not a matter of if you'll get prostate cancer it's a matter of when.

Mike you've been a good friend, a teacher, a mentor, an inspiration and so much more to me and to every member here at UB. We want you to be around so we can help you celebrate your 100th birthday.

Don't let this one sneak up on you.

Sent from my LG-H932 (LG V30 Plus) using Tapatalk