Still at it with mods

Started by SenkoSam, May 05, 2023, 06:12:02 AM

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I just can't help myself. I got to modify baits weekly especially when the weather keeps me indoors. Retired, I can only fish some of the year - no more ice fishing for me - and must stay in touch with anything fishing related. (No TV shows thank you.)

Molds are okay but unless I sold lures made from the many I have, I can only use so many of the lures poured. Thought of selling them, but not worth it nor the air pollution in my basement from 275 degree heated plastic. Modifying soft plastics is the closest thing to making something no one sells yet catches fish consistently.

Now, for a mod to work, action speaks loudest to fish. That is, the way a lure moves using one or more retrieves and speeds. The thing that defines all of the thousands of lures ever made that provoke fish to strike, is action and action is dependent on many things that involve lure shape and bulk, tail shape and other moving parts. Color can be important when it emphasizes those physical elements and contrasts with the background.

Are fish fooled by lures into believing they are a particular prey animal? Don't know/ can't know. All I do know is that certain lure actions have proven themselves since the first lure caught fish. Match-the-hatch IMO is myth yet an art form when it comes to all of the fly tyers that produce specific flies patterns. But the action of flies is the same regardless of pattern or color.

What are examples of lure actions that get strikes but that also crossover into other lure types? Here are a few:
Remember the Zara Spook? A surface waddle waddle waddle using rod tip jerks. But guess what? I've found a shape that does produces the same action but subsurface. I call it the bulb or rounded tail:

Even sunfish jump all over it:

Here are other versions that produce the same action:

The waddle is key! Why? Your guess is as good as mine.

Another version of the waddle / jerk action is the jerk worm but not just any jerk worm. I found out that Yamamoto's Kut Tail worm's action was incredible when jerked back and forth - zig zag if you will. Fish jumped all over it from the surface to mid-depth in 8'.

The worm is poured using the same mix as the Senko - not too buoyant/ not too soft.
The tapered body-to-tail is also key to the the lure's jerk action.
Another that has the same action is the Softie worm:

Same taper to tail and plastic that is firm.

Speaking of the Senko, what about the Senko action when wacky-rigged?  The weight of the plastic allows the dual-tip action to quiver on the drop. The same action can be applied using the rod tip twitch at different depths. Again, even the smallest stick wacky rigged can produce the same action or various versions of it. Here's one:

This one can be wacky rigged or used like a quiver stick:

Another wacky rig shape, I refer to as whisker because what it looks like attached to a fish's lip.

Note the various species that can be caught on any of the above and it's all because of the combination of rod tip and lure action combined. There are many more but you get the idea. But note this:
Humans are creatures of habit - fish are not when it comes to being provoked without regard to danger and fish far more when it comes to lures and lure action.

JMO - but take it for what it's worth from someone not inclined to use live or store-bought bait (except the many lures stored for 30 yrs. in my basement).

big g

Nice job, lots of thought and time went into those baits.
(Fish) - P/B 11.4, Everglades, L67, L28, Little 67, Alligator Alley, Sawgrass, Holey Land, Loxahatchee, Ida, Osbourne, Okeechobee, Weston Lakes. Broward and Dade Canals.


Yeah, I've made of those after seeing yours.  I got one bite drop shotting, but haven't fished any other ways with them yet...


Amazing what ball head jigs can do when matched with plastics! Not saying d/s won't do well with finesse action lures but there are three presentations that come to mind that do well with them.
The ones I use range in size from 1/32 - 1/16 oz; hook sizes #6 - 2/0 depending on lure length.

Thanks big g BTW


Another thing on lure shape. I assumed all lures had to have round bodies until I figured - what the H, why not cut a segment off a French Fry stick and add some different tails to it? 

Note: the stick in cross section is rectangular, not round and the ribbing is far from smooth like you find on live prey. Man did it produce with different tails attached!
FF segment with straight thin tail:

curl tail added:

Crappie Magnet tail added:

fork (fin) tail added:

Joker tail added:

claw added (cut from a craw bait):

Note also that most mods are the ultimate in finesse lures and as with all finesse lures, line diameter is key (I only use 8# test braid.)

Anyone can make mods using a candle flame to slightly melt the ends and hold together for 3 seconds. I use a battery-powered soldering iron to smooth / strengthen the seam. Try copying any of the above and catch fish with it. They're even great for kids to catch fish with.


Thanks for all those pics, some great ideas here!


The mystery why fish strike lures is I believe in a lure's action. Lateral line sensitivity plus a fish's magnifying lenses in both eyes overload a fish's meager brain coupled with a bit of territoriality. I believe the last thing on a fish's brain is seeing a lure as a meal, but I can never rule it out nor wouldn't, since my emphasis regarding lure design is provocation-by-design.
In one day I caught 5 species of fish using 8 different lures with 8 different actions.
Knowng what works in my tackle box is as important as where I find fish. Confidence is key.