SJHT D.O.D. Lake Club Results Sat. 06-22-2019

Started by BigNasty06, June 22, 2019, 09:00:33 PM

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Place: D.O.D. Lake
Date: Sat. June 22, 2019
Time: 5:30am-1:30pm
Weather: Warm morning start going 66 Degrees.  Warming up to a Sun layden 77 Degrees with Blue bird skies
Water Temps: Varying 76.5 Degrees.  Rising up 79.5 Degrees  in various sections.
Water Clarity: Clear down to 1.5' and more stained in the streams near the Delaware River.
Wind Gust: 5-10 MPH 
Best Lure:  Cranks, Beavers, & Drop Shotting
Depths fished: 1'~12'
Limit: 3  12" Minimum


Arriving at D.O.D. and seeing how some things never change, I was surprise to see no burnt mattresses or box springs being used as a bonfire.

The parking area did have wood blocking some parking access, however Bob Van Sciver was nice enough to move\clean up some of the area before the rest of the SJHT Armada arrived.  Thanks Bob!

SJHT's visit to D.O.D. Lake also produces dink size and cookie cutter size Bass and today was no exception. I had my limit by 7:45AM but couldn't find anything larger than 13".  Many other anglers had the same dilemma.

Alright...without further adieu, lets give a big congrats to Jackson *Silent Assassin* Fu for taking 1st place and Lunker with 3 Bass going 5.75lbs. Fu's Lunker went 2.50lbs.   2nd Place was won by rookie newcomer Tom Greene with 3 Bass going 4.55lbs3rd Place was won by Matt R. with 3 Bass going 4.50lbsMiscellaneous was won by Tom Greene with a decent 1.58lb Pickeral


Jackson's 1st Place and Lunker Bag:

2nd Place winner Tom's 3 Bass Limit

3rd Place winner Matt R. Limit:

Other Anglers Bags of Bass:

Rob's Bag of Bass:

Trappers Bag of Bass:

Bills L. Bag of keepers:

Jiggen Den's Snakehead:

Chris Parisi's out fishing dad once again:

Brandon K's Bag of Bass:

Anglers returning back to ramp around 1:30pm:

Note: The Blue bird skies

Summary:  Cookie cutter...after cookie cutter appeared today.  The Bass were definitely biting.  Unfortunately nothing gigantic weighed in. I had 3 Bass caught and weighed in but they died somehow in my livewell. Not sure what the deal is...but I'll be investigating further this week.    In All, 16 SJHT Anglers caught 35 Bass.  Giving way to a total of 44.66lbs caught overall.  14 out of 16 Anglers caught at least 1 Bass.  9 Anglers caught at least there 3 Bass Limit.   The avg. weight came out to be 1.28lbs.  Can't say these are the Upper Chesapeak, MD bass weights but these Bass were skinny and long with big mouths.  Looking at the weights, one can surmise the numbers caught and the weights were on the light side. Plenty of empty beds but that should be expected this time of year.

Great job SJHT anglers and the Fu Man on the overall victory.

Next up is back at ASSUNPINK LAKE in 2 weeks.
