Do "Boaters" have the advantage?

Started by BassinColorado, August 30, 2011, 03:35:01 PM

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Just saw Mr. Cooper's post in one of the other posts.  Here is the skinny from the front of the boat and I would imagine most boaters have the same thoughts, in most cases.

I always give my "non-boater for the day" the chance to "convince me otherwise" of my thoughts as to how we should attack the day from beginning to end.  I am not stupid when it comes to a guy being on fish.  If they are on something that sounds more substantial than what I have going on, then we will go there and see if it is happening.  If it isn't happening, I always make sure I have something else in that direction that we can work on and then work our way back to the other waters that we may have had in mind.

If the "non-boater's" waters, don't sound promising in my mind(ie-I caught a big fish in that spot and that was the only bite there in 3 days, but I would like to start there to see if he came back!), then it is my job to educate or convince the non-boater of why that might be a bad option compared to what I have going on(ie-I shook off 20 bites in 15 minutes on two different days of practice and think we could limit out there and then hunt for the big fish) and then we decide from there.

Most "non-boaters" know, or rather believe, that the majority of the "boaters" know what they are doing and are usually on fish.  It is in the "non's" best interest to go where the "boater" has planned to start and see what happens.  Many "non's" have loaded up on fish, first thing in the morning, by implementing that strategy, but obviously, not always.  Sometimes the boater loads up and the non struggles, but at least they were on some fish and had a most cases.

If the "non-boater" doesn't have any input when I ask him at the beginning of the day and then wants to get me to run that 20 miles away later in the day.......then you are right....I would be hard pressed to make that happen for a guy.  I would again convince him of the time we would lose and then "together" hopefully come up with another plan.  If he is determined after that, then we may end up making the run.   The rules say we have to have a "full discussion" at the beginning of the day.  If that doesn't happen, because the non doesn't have anything happening or chooses not to participate, then he is along for the ride and will have to trust me.....and most do it that way from what I can tell.

There are those times when we get a Federation member that wants to be a "boater" and he isn't really ready to be one yet.  There is more to it than driving your boat to some good spots and fishing.  There are so many responsibilities that come with that position and just one of those is to find fish "for himself and also his non-boater partner."  That is just the way it is and that pressure comes with the responsibility of being a boater at the Federation level.  We aren't fishing a Pro-Am, so we need to help each other out by fishing as a team for the day.

All in all, a "non-boater" needs to communicate with his "boater", or rather "partner" for the day.  Not having any input and then complaining later gets you absolutely nowhere.  If you have something to offer, offer it up.  Both parties will benefit from grouping the ideas, good or bad. 

If both guys have an open mind when the morning planning chat begins, and neither is set on what they think should happen, everybody wins.  Most find that working as a team is less stressful, more fun, and more often than not, much more productive for both persons in the boat.
Let's face our newer members as to what to look for or how to act, as a non-boater or boater, starts at the club level.  For those that have forgotten, we have some of "the best fisherpersons in the country" in our Colorado clubs competing in the State tournament.  If you plan on doing well, you better have your $*!# together mentally when you take that step.  Our guys are good at we do!  There are no excuses once you make that step up into the State level tournaments and beyond.   No :'( -ing allowed!   lol
"The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work!"---Harry Golden

Mike Garrett

Good points Joe...Just wish I would draw you at a STQT.  I fished with Jeff Jones on day two this year and he was very accommodating to me.  I didn't have any locations I thought would be better than what we did in the morning so I pretty much left it up to him.  Knew where you and Larry would be fishing and didn't want to infringe on "your water".  Guess I should have as you kicked butt.

Are you going to fish Pueblo on the 10th?  Depending on what the oncologist says today I just might be up for it.  Hopefully will draw someone who won't beat me to death.  Going to get out with my little boat at least once before then so I will have some idea of what to do.


The old guy
PPBM Fed Rep, Past Pres


I guess I just dont get the disconnect here...Non-Boaters take on a mental disadvantage with the approach that "aww the boaters gonna screw me" yadda yadda whatever.

If you dont have a boat to prefish from then do some map study, contact people on forums, email, call, write, I dont care use google earth get an idea from 10 years worth of past reports...compile what you can.  This right here is (STEP 1) for a non boater IMO....I do the same thing as a boater ya know that unfair advantage I supposedly have...most of it comes from ^ right there...

Step 2 (prepare your equipment based on the lake we are going to.  If you come to Amistad with 6lb flouro and a roboworm from Pueblo and I am fishing my half in heavy cover dont be mad at me because you came ill prepared....(bad example as I made the cut at last years open on 4lb test there but you get my point)

Step 3:  Discuss a PREFISHING PLAN with your non boater....Anyone who has been with me knows im an open book during this time especially.  You want half the prefishing time I dont care jsut chip in your gas fees and we can go wherever...My only stipulation is you be patient with me (Thanks Dave D) when I am running a stump field at .02 miles an hour for half the day (Read as I idled truman the first day)....

Step 4: Discuss sharing of water with your prefish partner.  If you have a plan of attack that didnt work dont plan to be on my stuff at the front of the boat first thing in the morning.  I dont intend to beat up your water if my stuff is dead (again sorry Eric not sure why that happened as it did but it was mostly your water) and will in turn let you take the helm on your stuff.  I have been known to even sit down and stop fishing on occasion and be seen laying on the deck (right Joe)..(read as: god please get up here here and run this trolling motor I want a drink and a sandwich and to see you run the boat in 40mph winds)....

Step 5: Be realistic if you want to fish a stump field or nastiness if you beat my boat your fixing the damage, welcome to your "equal share" in the boat usage and expense.  You want the right to run the rig and be the big boy at the front, you saddle the risk just like I do.  (read as: You break it you bought it)....

Step 6: TAKE YOUR TIME AT THE HELM AND STOP WHINING.  I cannot stress this enough..>IF you have followed the preceding suggestions and have properly orchestrated...then you should have some sort of plan of your own (or be hopelessly floundering like I usually am)...  If you dont take the time at the front because your scared of your ability to control the boat, your inability to find fish, a flock of seagulls, the second coming, tidal wave, the clap I dont care about your "disadvantage". 

The cards are in place to even it out gentleman....its your choice to play or fold em...It has been forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever

I know not every boater will work with their non for pre-fishing...But you have a choice to NOT SIGN UP WITH THAT BOATER....ever think of that...You as a non-boater can work this agreement BEFORE YOU SIGN UP....Boater wants to fish the tournament...HE SHARES THE PREFISH TIME AS WELL.....

Its a give and take folks, and all the whining and crying that you don't have a chance because your not standing on the pedal is complete and utter BS IMO.

I stand firm on this statement and its a stark contrast to even what some close friends feel.  But I just cannot understand how with all the things listed above a non boater co angler back seater whatever can complain.

:help: me understand..

Live each day as if they were numbered, they are