new guy

Started by basscat61, January 05, 2014, 12:43:45 AM

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Hi I'm a new guy from northwest Illinois and I have Cabin fever.      ~b~



Pacific NW Ron

Your not alone with the fever!!
Welcome to the site.  There is a lot of information and a lot of opinions available on Ultimatebass.  The members on this forum will treat you like family.   If you have a question about anything, just post it and you'll get lots of answers.  If you have a hint or an idea we would love to hear it.  If you have a fishing story to tell post it, we all love a good story.   As a site sponsor of UB, I have met a lot of great guys and gals on UB and they are all willing to help.  Good luck and enjoy the site. 
Enjoying retirement in the great Pacific Northwest.  I've turned into a fair weather angler.  Why do it today when I can do it tomorrow?