Last Nights Adventure

Started by blake711, June 03, 2005, 08:18:02 AM

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Well last night I went over to my dads house and their is a pond in the field across the street.    As a kid my dad and I put in many fish in this pond.   I hadn't fished it in 15 years I bet, anyway we didn't have time to go to my normal fishing hole as it was getting dark. I wanted to get a lure wet so we just went to this littel pond.   

Dad brought an ultralight and some crappie nibbles to see if he could catch any perch since he just started taking my  5 year old nephew fishing and this would be nice and close.. The pond has two nice wooden docks on it so you don't have to stand on the bank.   Anyway I tried out a 3 in tube jig and first cast busted out nice dark green beautiful bass.  First cast with a Tube Jig for Bass also.. thanks to UB for letting me know about this. 

The water is very clear but it has a green tint because of out of control moss in this thing.   Anyway Dad caught a perch and then I switched to a Heddon Baby 13 BLACK SHORE MINNOW color chugger and I got some hits from some perch..  then all the sudden bang my line went nuts.. I started trying to haul in something big ..  started cranking on my drag as I was loosing lots of line.  Well I finally get something to surface partially it wasn't no bass not sure what it was as it was getting dark..  As it got closer  heck this ain't no fish..  It was about a 15 pound turtle I am gonna guess..   His head was about 2-3 inches in diameter across..   Body was over 12 inches wide.. GIANT Sucker.. I got him all the way up to the dock and he got off..   It was a good thing I didn't have a pistol on me or he would have been a dead turtle..   He is brave as all get later he swam right up to the dock and just looked at me.   I am going to have to dispatch of this sucker..  As I am sure he is not sharing food with the bass and catfish in there..

Anyway I started trying to fish a worm for a bit but the moss was nuts and almost anything I threw got clogged up.  Worm, Spinner, anything..  I told my dad to try my baby 13 he fished it for about 20 minutes then BOOM..  A beautiful 2 pound bass exploded on it..  We thought it was bigger by the way it was running anyway I sure wish I would have had my digital camera last night as this fish was BEAUTIFUL..  I really like the dark green/black colored bass.   

So that was my nights events..  I have caught turtles before on live bait but never on a hard plastic.  Add that one to this list along with the  Salamander and a Ell.. 

I think I will devote a little more time to this pond and see if there is a lunker hiding in there..

Edited for spelling ..

Mike Noble

Great story....thanks so much for sharing.  I caught a turtle on a worm before but never hard plastic.  I think he is a very brave turtle.  lo
Life is a B........each!



Ask me about PROTANDIM


cool deal, what a neat deal.


Gotta love pond fishing.  But those turtles are a pain in the neck.  Caught too many over the years...


great story!! a few weeks ago i was fishin with a mr twister and this stupid clam bit the jig head so when i got it in i had to take my knife and pry it open to get it out lol i thought it was pretty funny! it was about 4 inches wide but i just thought it was weird that he bit it


come to think of it I have caught a live crab on a lizard.
just picked it up and thought it was a clump of grass, and had a crab holding the lizard, locals down south they told me that it happens all the time.

River Pro

I love pond and small water fishing because thats where i grew up fishing. My number one go to bait when fishing ponds with alot of moss and grass is a zoom super fluke or bass assassin soft jerkbait, 5inch either in albino shad or pearl white colors. Throw it weightless with a 4/0 wide gap hook, rigged texas style. Its virtually weedless this way and looks realistic.  In every pond with moss and grass i have fished, this bait out preforms all others. You can also try a floating  6in lizard rigged the same way reeled slowly across the top. If you go back down there try these tactics and you should catch a few.
Eat........Sleep......... FISH!!!




those are some of my favorite baits on big waters infested with grass as well.


River pro I have some floating lizards I will have to pick up the zoom super flukes as the only soft jerk baits I have are sinko types..

Anyone else have recomendations for a super mossy pond?  If I throw tx rig and get near the weeds it comes back covered in moss..  It has thick forage all the way around and then a foot off teh foragae its got heavy moss under that..

I don't know what is the main food for these bass other than the perch as their teeth are SHARP..  So I know therse no craws or things like taht in there..


a floating frog or one of the new V&M Bayou Bullfrogs rigged weightless is awesome over grass or thick vegitation.


Two of my fishing partners and myself where fishing the river last week and caught just about everything you can catch off a crankbait.  (Bandit 200's) 
2- gaspergou or fresh water drum
2- sun perch
1- barfish
1- appaloosa catfish
1- little Turtle
19- Bass

Not a bad trip but an interesting catch.


Blake if your going to try a frog give a look at the new Reaction "Ribbit".
This is by far one of the best frogs that I have ever seen in action.  The paddle feet on them make as much noise as most buzz baits.  The sound is however different, more like a bubbling sound.

You may want to try and push a 1oz jig through the thick stuff.


River Pro

The super fluke is my favorite lure to fish. I catch alot of fish on it and fish it quite often. I guarantee if you throw the bass assassin or the zoom super fluke at this pond you will kill em. I recommend throwing it on spinning tackle because it enables you to give the bait better action and you can also skip across the water under docks and structure with a spinning reel. Twitch the bait pretty quick just under the surface, this will give it an erratic side to side action, like a fleeing baitfish. Stop it every now and then and let it sink 3 or 4 feet before starting it back up. Alot of times, fish will follow the bait for a while then nail it as soon as you stop it. Make sure to go grab a pack, they should have em at wally world, if not check any local tackle shop that carries zoom lures and you should have no trouble finding a pack of flukes. Like i said earlier, white pearl and albino shad are my favorite colors to throw just because it looks more natural. They make various colors and i'm sure you'll have no problem catchin em on any color you pick
Be sure to post and let us know how you did!
Eat........Sleep......... FISH!!!


Thanks for the info guys.. I am gonna go pick a pack up and head over to that pond in an hour or so with my dad..


Ok well made another trip out to the same pond tonight.  I was working diffrent techniques with the Senko and a few other things.. I caught a couple dinks and had some perch hits..  My dad showed up about 20 minutes after I got there as he had run into town to go to the store.

He used to take me fishing or hunting almost every other day as a kid till my mid teens.. Anyway he quit fishing like I did over the years.. I got him to go with me a few times recently and he has got the bug also..  Anyway I just have him go with me and let him use some of my gear so he doesn't have to mess with his.  Well I Am trying all the new fancy stuff and he says.. Just use a black chugger or hula pop-er.. I said dad go ahead..  Well after about 5 minutes of him on the hula pop-er he landed a 4# 13oz bass.   Man it was a beauty and a female of all things full of eggs.. Very strange.

Anyway he got it up to the dock and it was matted up in some thing hidrilla and it was about a foot away from my reach with me hanging over the side..  I held the line and he ran his hand through the railing and it wasn't just hydirlla it was a freeking birds nest of line that the fish was stuck in on top of the hydrilla he ripped all that crap loose and was able to get her up for some pics..  Here they are as you will see in one you can barley see some of the mess it was in as it was getting pretty dark when I took the pictures..  you also will see a piece of the plant stuff on the fishes lip in one of the pics..  Beautiful dark bass.. I love those dark green/black ones..

I told him I was gonna start renting my gear to him if I keep putting him on the fish and he out does me..    ;D



River Pro

Thats a good un! Gotta love those fat pond fish! Have you tried any of those zoom super flukes yet?
Eat........Sleep......... FISH!!!


Yup I have tryed the flukes a a couple times.  I haven't had them produce yet in this pond.   I caught one last night on a Senko but the flukes were just getting perch hits..