!!! ~ Site Update Planned Tonight ~ !!!

Started by MotherNature, March 11, 2006, 07:31:05 PM

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Just wanted to let you know that one of the special things was back ;)

To your right and at the top and bottom of the site you should be able to find a Page Up and a Page Down link... That should help with the length of the forum ;)

Dentist was not so ugly today... no pain at all just a couple of shots and some meds to take ;)

By the way... I didn't do the template that you see... the graphics and the colors are all stock with the upgrade. I like it too and I think that for the most part we will be keeping this one. Still have to add in the advertisements and the menu to the left but I hope not to change it too much ;)



Thanks for the nav stuff.  ;D
Its lookin better for sure.
"If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito" - African Proverb.  Jim


HMMMMMM, go away for a few days and the place falls apart!!!!  Then Laurie puts it back better then ever!! ;D ;D Very good upgrade, Much, much better ~c~ ;D

Laurie, this Bud's for you ~beer~ awwww heck make it 2 ~beer~ ~beer~ ;D ~an~ Louis

Mike Cork

Careful Lou, you know that two is the limit :roll2:

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Ok you two no picking on Laurie cause she's a light weight lo

