2010 nitro z7 with 200 pro xs help

Started by KsmNitro, August 09, 2016, 06:56:15 PM

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Hello I am new to the forum. But I have a few questions about set up of my nitro z7 with 200 pro xs. It has a hydro dynamic 8" jack plate and a 25p fury prop. I'm only getting 62mph out of it with two guys and light load and by myself once I hit about 63-64 the chine walk is unbearable im only getting roughly 5400rpm out if it also if anyone has any suggestions on motor height or props would be much appreciated. Thanks

Mike Cork

Equipment sounds good.

Do you know you motor hieght? Pad to prop shaft? To high and too low can cause early chine walk. I'd start there.

How's your hole shot?

We have a couple guys that run or have run Nitros and they have a lot of experience, they'll check in shortly, knowing your motor hieght will help them dial you in.

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I am not sure I will measure and post tomorrow. The hole shot is decent with light load and once the live wells are full it slows down quite a bit.

Mike Cork

That's an indication that you might be too high. However just an indication, let's see what the numbers are first.

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service

Bud Kennedy

Just posted a link in the Props forum that may help you with your measurements and trouble shooting


Sorry guys busy with work I'll be taking her out tomorrow and get the measurements posted


Okay so I measured it today it's around 2 1/2 bellow pad if that helps any

Bud Kennedy

Might be a wee bit high but I do have a couple more questions.  Does your prop have vent plugs?  How high is your rooster tail behind the boat when you are on plane.  What is your water pressure readings?   Are you getting any prop blow out in turns?  Did you follow the steps posted in the Props forum to measure your prop to pad?


Rooster is about the hight of cowling between 24-26lb water pressure. I'll check vent plugs and get back to you and if i crank the wheel after getting on plane it will wash but on normal turns no prop blow out and I put a straight edge on the bottom of pad and measured down to prop shaft. Sorry I am new to all of this.

Bud Kennedy

Seems like it would be a good idea to lower the motor a bit.  A traditional depth of 3 1/2" should be your lowest point.  I would start by lowering about 1/2" at first and see what your performance becomes.  Incremental adjustments should be 1/4" at a time.  The water pressure you state should be a bit better but lowering the motor might just help that.  The good news is that you are clearly within the adjustment area and now it just becomes a matter of getting some valuable seat time in your boat to better understand the chine walk deal.  Often this can be overcome just by becoming a more experienced driver.  Good Luck let us know how it goes.


Alright thanks for all the advise I'll be lowering it a half inch and see how it goes. Thanks again

Bud Kennedy

Good Luck on your changes.  I am also interested in how quick to plane is your boat.  I Can't help on your prop selection.  Hopefully someone else will come along that can add some value to that part of the discussion.  Props can be a real pain to figure out but I like to wait on making any prop changes until the rest of the set up is performing a bit better.