Just stopped in to say hello

Started by CrossCreek1, May 13, 2006, 08:20:38 PM

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 Just stopped by to check up on some old freinds !  Hope them S.C. boys are staying in check !  Cheese seen the pic of the hawg !  ~c~


The early bird may get the worm, but it is the second mouse that gets the cheese.


Hey man!!...good to see ya...don't be a stranger ~beer~


Quote from: CrossCreek1 on May 13, 2006, 08:20:38 PM
Just stopped by to check up on some old freinds !  Hope them S.C. boys are staying in check !  Cheese seen the pic of the hawg !  ~c~

What's up CC good to hear from ya man ~c~ ~c~.  Just what Pic are ya talking about :-\.  Inquiring minds wanna know.


This is weird.........I was doing my normal work run today.  As I was passing this new townhouse project.....it was called cross creek.  After seeing that I wondered how you were doing.  So I came home, sit down....click on UB, and there you are. WOW ~i



  Cheese  the pic of you and Rich ! you know the one where Rich is holding up the DINK next to the Hawg! ~shade Sorry Rich just used that to remind him about that Fish ! :roll2:

  Spetro   now that is kinda spooky their Bud ! You keepin them boys straight down south ? Hear old A.B. crossed over ! What did his Daddy say about that ! It not being a Toon ! ~xyz Just waiting on a reply from Bill on that one . ~roflmao


I bet ol Pops is glad I didn't get a toon so someone can take him in a nice riding boat when his back gives out from years of pounding through the waves.... lo


is that a bad thing saying HELLO

"The past cannot be changed, but the future is still in your power!"
"Don't let today's disappointments cast a shadow on tomorrow's dreams!"


Quote from: AwesomeBullet on May 15, 2006, 10:47:43 PM
I bet ol Pops is glad I didn't get a toon so someone can take him in a nice riding boat when his back gives out from years of pounding through the waves.... lo

So now you're going to start this  ^-^.  Just remember the same guy that started stratos started triton and then sold out to the same company.....do ya see a pattern ~shade


 ~xyz  BITE ME!!!  ~xyz

I ain't OLD! ~roflmao ~roflmao ~roflmao ~roflmao ~roflmao

How ya doin' CC??? ;)
Proud Team Member of the Palmetto Posse


Quote from: spetro on May 16, 2006, 07:54:11 AM
So now you're going to start this  ^-^.  Just remember the same guy that started stratos started triton and then sold out to the same company.....do ya see a pattern ~shade

I saw a pattern....A nice string of Tritons in my wake Saturday running back across Kissimmee....A buddy of mine was in his Tr19 200 Yamaha, when we got back to the ramp he came up and asked me how could I have driven the way I did across the chop...I told him I didn't even notice it, I was going smooth as silk.  I guess he fought it pretty hard trying to keep up with my cruising speed and hang with me... ;D