Prescribed Burn on Seavey Island Planned to Improve Wildlife Habitat

Started by Smallie_Stalker, September 07, 2022, 01:21:39 PM

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News from the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department

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Prescribed Burn on Seavey Island Planned to Improve Wildlife Habitat


Heidi Holman, NH Fish and Game: 603-271-3018
Michael Matson, Forest Ranger Captain: 603-271-2214

September 6, 2022

Concord, NH – The New Hampshire Fish and Game and the New Hampshire Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, Division of Forests and Lands, with support from US Fish and Wildlife Service, will conduct a prescribed burn on portions of Seavey Island, Isles of Shoals.

The prescribed burn will likely occur between September 9 and October 15; the date will be finalized when weather and atmospheric conditions are determined to be safe.

Prescribed burning, which is highly controlled and conducted by trained professionals, is an indispensable tool for safely managing the Coastal Island Habitat community. Non-native and invasive species of plants and grasses dominate the vegetation structure and create habitat that is too dense for the restored colony of terns nesting on the island. Fire is a tool used to restore or convert habitat conditions capable of supporting rare and important wildlife, including the federally endangered roseate tern. The prescribed burn will take place within controlled areas on Seavey Island, Isles of Shoals. (see star on map).

This is allowable under a state-issued burn permit, which also serves as a smoke management permit (RSA 227-L17).

Precautions will be taken to limit smoke and to ensure that the prescribed burn stays within the boundaries of the controlled burning area. Local and regional law enforcement and emergency management officials have been notified of the timing and location. However, neighbors should recognize that atmospheric conditions could change and smoke may temporary impede visibility. The smoke poses no imminent threat to people's health or the community.
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