** Ranger **

Started by FisherMOM, October 12, 2004, 06:27:35 AM

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Hey Ranger, have you been looking for these?

Even if you've been fishing for 3 hours
and haven't gotten anything except
poison ivy and a sunburn,
you're still better off than the worm.


 >:Di've been looking for something a little "above" those.  do you hae any pics of that????

doc   >:D >:D

Siggy by DundeeMike
doc  :)


Hi docwaldo.. I don't believe that we have met yet!

Even if you've been fishing for 3 hours
and haven't gotten anything except
poison ivy and a sunburn,
you're still better off than the worm.


fishermom, i would have to agree. once you meet me, you don't forget it.  and i don't really mean that in a vain way, just the truth.  where you be from?? and any news on those pics i requested??

Siggy by DundeeMike
doc  :)


doc, I am from up north in New York by Rochester.
I was born in Georgia, but my folks moved up here when I was a baby.
So I still consider myself a southerner...  trapped in the body of a northerner.

As far as those heels... they aren't mine!  I'd break my neck in them.
When I found 'em, a foot is all I could see!  :)

Even if you've been fishing for 3 hours
and haven't gotten anything except
poison ivy and a sunburn,
you're still better off than the worm.


 :'( :'(man--i hate to hear about another southerner moving up north.  we all need to stick together.  my folks are in philly right now.  buying antiques.  but the great thing is that they will be back in a week or so. 

Siggy by DundeeMike
doc  :)


I was just on Kentucky for a family reunion over Labor day.
My mother is from Kentucky and my step mother in law lives in Miss.

Even if you've been fishing for 3 hours
and haven't gotten anything except
poison ivy and a sunburn,
you're still better off than the worm.


"WOW" FisherMom,

Now that's some nice "heels".......... ;)

That's all I can say now!!!!!!!!!!!  :( :( :(

Ricky..... aa aa aa

PS: It's better to think it, than say it.......  :-[ aa
American Bass Angler Pro Staff, R & M Tackle, K & M Custom Rods, Secret Weapon Lures,Vicious Fishing Tournament Team, Driftwood Lures,  Fish Hedz/Save Phace,


I simply don't know what to say...you have now officially gotten me good!  :shocking:   Uh...those are...well first of all I NEVER thought in my wildest dreams that there were high-heels that were camouflaged...and after what I said about getting some...well...I am speechless...and without a defense!!  WOW!  That was simply an excellent post!  ;D  I may have met my match here.  :)
"It Ain't all the things that we don't know that causes all the trouble...it's all the things that we DO know that ain't so!"



I can see that you are tongue tied, and just getting out of "time-out", its hard to say what you are thinking, trust me!!!!!! >:D >:D >:D

But they  might look good depending on the color of your Ranger Boat.... 8) 8) 8) I hope one of those Rangers are Green or Brown????? :shocking: :o

Remember------think it, but don't type it.........or you will lose your little fish again....... PoPo PoPo PoPo

Ricky aa aa >:D
American Bass Angler Pro Staff, R & M Tackle, K & M Custom Rods, Secret Weapon Lures,Vicious Fishing Tournament Team, Driftwood Lures,  Fish Hedz/Save Phace,


I know...and I am not losing those fish again!!  ;D  The little voices are waking up and I am keeping them at bay...you have to admit Fishermom is good!   ;D  I think I made my own problem here on this one!  She just helping me out a little.  ;D
"It Ain't all the things that we don't know that causes all the trouble...it's all the things that we DO know that ain't so!"


Yeah, you  are right Ranger,

FisherMom came up with a good one for sure and left us speakless, lo lo lo

I have a few more questions to ask, but for the life of me, I can't.......LMAO right now..... I'm scare too, that the  PoPo PoPo PoPo might get us.......but on second thought, this is fishing words, so what color fish-nets would you use with camo??????? >:D >:D >:D

Ricky aa aa aa
American Bass Angler Pro Staff, R & M Tackle, K & M Custom Rods, Secret Weapon Lures,Vicious Fishing Tournament Team, Driftwood Lures,  Fish Hedz/Save Phace,


Ricky....you are not good for me...or for me keeping my fish!  And we think that Bass are the only ones that can be lured!   ;D
"It Ain't all the things that we don't know that causes all the trouble...it's all the things that we DO know that ain't so!"


I'm sorry, Ranger....  :'( :'(   I will try and be good.... lo lo lo  and not get you in deeper than you are... lo lo lo

your fishing friend,

Ricky aa aa >:D
American Bass Angler Pro Staff, R & M Tackle, K & M Custom Rods, Secret Weapon Lures,Vicious Fishing Tournament Team, Driftwood Lures,  Fish Hedz/Save Phace,


I never thought NOT saying anything would be so difficult!!

Where are we going...and why are we in this hand basket???


I know...it is hard!  Ya don't think that Fishermom kinda knew that do you?   :-\  ;D  You know we men may be in more trouble than we think?   :shocking: 

Ricky...heck...don't stop...who will I blame things on if you go all "innocent" on me now!  I am counting on you boy!!!   ;D
"It Ain't all the things that we don't know that causes all the trouble...it's all the things that we DO know that ain't so!"



I know what you mean....... but now we know that the  PoPo PoPo PoPo will take our fish away, so now we have to have "ESP" and just think it in our minds and not say it, and the "powers to be" will help us hear it in our minds...

Ricky aa aa aa

Ranger, I will try and be good...... "what color is your boats?" >:D >:D >:D
American Bass Angler Pro Staff, R & M Tackle, K & M Custom Rods, Secret Weapon Lures,Vicious Fishing Tournament Team, Driftwood Lures,  Fish Hedz/Save Phace,


Well...one is raspberry, black and silver...one is red, silver and gray...and one is brown, tan and gray...uh...no camo on any of 'em.  :-\
"It Ain't all the things that we don't know that causes all the trouble...it's all the things that we DO know that ain't so!"


Ranger , do you think Fishermom can have them UPS' d here in time to take to Dale Hollow this weekend? ;D


Hey Ranger,

Let me get back with FisherMom and see what color goes best with them....... :P :P :P :P :P

I just know that she will know what to do...... lo lo lo

Ricky aa aa aa   I'm keeping my little fish..... ;)
American Bass Angler Pro Staff, R & M Tackle, K & M Custom Rods, Secret Weapon Lures,Vicious Fishing Tournament Team, Driftwood Lures,  Fish Hedz/Save Phace,


I thought camo went with anything...Its this years black!

Where are we going...and why are we in this hand basket???


Oh I have no doubt she will know exactly what colors go with what.  Poor me...  :'(
"It Ain't all the things that we don't know that causes all the trouble...it's all the things that we DO know that ain't so!"


Black... it always goes with everything  lo



Just like camo!

Where are we going...and why are we in this hand basket???


...well...I do regret those high heel remarks.  Boy...do I regret them...   :'(   I don't even remember what I said...one minute I was talking about tips on Walleye fishing and the next my whole wardrobe was being changed before my eyes.  :shocking:   ;D
"It Ain't all the things that we don't know that causes all the trouble...it's all the things that we DO know that ain't so!"