Feathered Treble Hooks

Started by FlatsNBay, July 16, 2024, 01:17:59 PM

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With the high price of feathered Treble Hooks, I'm considering trying to make my own. I watched a few YouTube videos and it looks easy enough. It should be wayyyy cheaper than store bought versions. Anybody make their own or have any advice?


  I've actually thought about that myself. I mean all the stuff is avaliable at local fly shop suppliers (Bass Pro if you live in S FL.) Plus, you get the option to choose your own color and materials.

Tiller Mafia.

"I'm a simple man, with simple pleasures." -Trevor Belmont


Buy a cheap fly tying vise, you won't need all the features of a high price one, a cheap bobbin, and use strung hen hackle, the hen feathers are cheap long and the fluff can be trimmed from the butt to give you a good feather.  I use size A rod winding thread (I think it's cheaper), but whatever you use you'll only need red and black.