Info on Lovewell?

Started by Russ199A, December 11, 2006, 12:19:40 PM

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Anybody know if the Walleye bit has started up yet on Lovewell Lake? I'm originally from that area and use to fish it for bass. When the lake was letting water in, the inlet was great for white bass.
I've heard rumor that the lake has silted in real bad after the low water levels. Any info would be cool. Thanks...Russ.  :)
2014, 2016 & 2017 TCTC AOY - With a little help from the man upstairs!


Sorry Russ dont have much intel about Lovewell.  I would like to say it's to cold to be fishing but we've been hanging mid 50's to low 60's so who knows the fishing might not be to bad  You still make it up here very often? 


Oh yeah, my family still live around the Concordia area and some in Salina. I wanted to come up for deer season but had to work. I'll be heading that way next week around the 21st for Christmas. I haven't looked but I'm hoping that turkey season is still open there. May be able to catch the 2nd deer season in January.
Usually the walley really start biting once the water temps drop to around 45 degrees. Lots of ice fishing in the winter also for white bass and crappie if it gets cold enough and long enough. I'll be pulling my boat up there this next summer for wheat harvest, so hopefully I can do some fishing then. Would like to try Tuttle Creek again. Haven't been on it for 15 years. Thanks...Russ. ~c~
2014, 2016 & 2017 TCTC AOY - With a little help from the man upstairs!


I dont think we've had any real ice or real cold temeratures yet.  It was pretty chilly during deer season and back home in SEK they received 16" of snow.  Here in Manhattan we didn't get any of it.  If you havent been out on Tuttle in 15 years I'm guessing thats a good thing.  Although there were a couple ABA tournaments out there last year and some prophesize that there are some good bags to be caught out of there in the spring.  If your gonna be over in Salina I wouldnt get past Milford for sure.  Just watch out at any lake you go to know due to very low lake levels.  If we dont get some rain sometime soon I'm afraid wheat harvest isn't going to be worth coming up for.   :'(


My dad and I had a real good wheat harvest last year and plus I just got back from there for christmas and Republic Co. got 4 inches of rain. Hope it helps the lakes, it really helped the crops. I think my home town area was one of the few places that had good crops both in the spring and fall.
Haven't been on Milford for years either. The republican river was up a little when I was back so hopefully it will raise Milfords water level. Thanks for the info. If I hear of anymore for my family I'll pass it on.
2014, 2016 & 2017 TCTC AOY - With a little help from the man upstairs!