Email Notifications

Started by MotherNature, January 05, 2005, 09:39:42 AM

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I have noticed that some of you mentioned that you are not getting your notifications when there is a new topic posted to a thread that you are watching. If you are having trouble would you post here and let me know which topics you are having trouble with? It sure would help me to track down the issue....

Mother Nature



I am wondering if my problem didn't happen over Christmas.
Get a notice and delete it because I figured I'd be in.
You only get ONE notice to a reply.

I noticed I had to TURN ON my notifications again for each topic.
so I am not sure if I have a REAL issue or not, I am going to continue
to moderate this issue further....  ;)

Even if you've been fishing for 3 hours
and haven't gotten anything except
poison ivy and a sunburn,
you're still better off than the worm.


Thanks Susan I am not sure what the issue is either but if you notice that it is happening on one board or one area just let me know. I will be watching it also and maybe I can figure it out as well...


alias left_turn56

Nice going have made the first mistake EVER in UB!!! Actually the only thing you did wrong was not blaming it on Ranger!!!