Ultimate Bass Boat Show Flyers

Started by Mike Cork, January 03, 2007, 04:03:01 PM

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Mike Cork

2007 is underway and that means that Boat Shows are gearing up and will be in full force soon. In the past members have helped Ultimate Bass out by printing out the Ultimate Bass flyer and taking it to the boat shows to put on the flyer display tables that you find throughout these types of events.

This is a great way to let folks from your local area know about Ultimate Bass and all it has to offer. Just think everyone at a Boat Show has at least some interest in water and the majority of them are fisherman, this is awesome direct market advertising and they let you do it for just the cost of some printing.

Unfortunately Ultimate Bass can't afford to print millions of copies of the flyer and then mail them out to all of the great members here. If you would like to help out and get some more members from your local area, click on one of the links below and run yourself off a few copies. In the past we have had members say that they couldn't keep the flyers on the tables so be sure to put plenty out  ~c~

http://www.ultimatebass.com/bass-fishing/UBFlyer1.pdf Color

http://www.ultimatebass.com/bass-fishing/UBFlyer2.pdf Black and White

http://www.ultimatebass.com/bass-fishing/UBFlyer3.pdf Color

Any one of these three will work great. All three are in adobe PDF format.

Thank You in advance for your support of our great community ~c~

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


I will print one off at work hehe... and then make some copies at work too hehe... I have a show in Arlington Texas I plan on attending.

Mike Cork

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Mike- whats the referral member number?  just curious, before i print some out

Mike Cork

You can put your member number there and if someone comes on line and mentions your referral number you will know it was you. In the past we have used it for a contest but we haven't been able to put anything together this year contest wise. It's up to you if you would like to use it to see if your efforts brought new members. The big problem is that new members don't remember to mention it and we never really know :-\

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service



i was just curious what it was and what it was for... good answer  ;)
Thanks  :)


Where did you get the number from Kal. I could use one or just put Fish_myster.
Hopefully I will make this baot show too. I'll have soem copies to hand around to folks  ;)

  Proud Father of an American Soldier 
Proud Grandfather of 6!

Mike Cork

Put your mouse on your screen name and look at the bottom of the page, the address that is showing is to your profile and the numbers at the end are your member number  ;)

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


  Proud Father of an American Soldier 
Proud Grandfather of 6!


im printing out over 200 fliers to take with me to my guntersville tournament march 1st of 2008  :-* ;D ~c~


Hey Mike. I'll get the Bayou Outdoors one.


I'm heading to Lunker's this week end for their spring fishing show, I better print up a bunch of UB flyers for that one too!  :-*


Mike Cork

Thanks Folks  ~c~ We can use all the help we can get :-*

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service