Mark Read / Unread Buttons

Started by MotherNature, February 08, 2005, 01:25:34 PM

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If you are browsing through the threads and come to one that you would like to answer but need to think on the topic before you reply the "Mark Unread" button is a great tool.

It will allow you to mark that thread as unread so that the next time you use the link at the top "Show unread posts since last visit" the topic that you want to reply to will show up as new and you can get to it easily without having to remember the title or where it was!

If you are looking at a whole board and can see the "Mark as Read" button you can use that if you are not interested in reading the new posts in that board. We are starting to get several hundred posts a day and if you try to read all of them you might just be here a while lo so to cut down on the work and keep your screen up to date with the most current information you can mark the new posts that you are not interested in reading as Read. Make sure that you do this after you have read all of the posts that you want to read because it will mark all new posts in that board as read and you wont know which ones had new posts unless you look at all of the dates ;)

One last hint... if you use the link at the top where your user information is... You know the one - "show unread posts since last visit"... There is also a "Mark as Read" button there. Be sure you have read what you are interested in reading because once you hit the mark as read button there you mark all new posts as read regardless of what board they are on.
