Eufaula sept 6-10-07

Started by skeeter jones, September 12, 2007, 10:57:04 AM

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skeeter jones

Fished the Skeeter team tour final tourney of the year.  Prefished north part of lake on thursday and was on good fish. Water north is a grey/brown color. All fish were shallow in wind blown coves.  Largest was three pounds.  Friday morning fished mid lake north of Gains creek and had no luck, had to leave lake due to heavy storm with lightning.  Friday evening the sun came out and winds calmed. Partner and I fished the Longtown area.  Things were not looking good untill I had my line broke on my search CR. in thirteen feet of water.  Tied up another rig and tried to shake off another bite that turned out to be a 4+ fish. 
Sat 1st day of tourney  went to same area that produced the big bites , no luck, fished several points and coves but could only manage short fish.  Blanked on day one . The 1st place team had 20 lbs..Go figure.  2nd day went back to the north section and boated four keepers on buzz bait.  Did not go to weigh in but had 9-10 lbs.

Where are the big fish?  I thought I had the answer on Friday but they must have moved or were not hungry.  If,and's and But's were candy and Nuts I might have won 25,000.00