A Warm Welcome to our new Pro Gator board

Started by MotherNature, September 13, 2007, 08:02:03 AM

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Welcome aboard! ZARASSPOOKY is the moderator for this new board. Enjoy!



glad to have you ZARASSPOOKY join us on the gator board!  ~c~ ~c~ ~c~



Welcome to all the ProGator owners. I hope we all have a good discussion board and I look forward to chatting with all of you.

My boat is a 170 with a Mariner 115.

Thanks to Lady Legend and the good folks at Ultimate Bass, we now have a home.......Thanks


Zaraspooky do you drive a blue Ford.1 of my buddies saw a blue Ford towing a Gator like mine and trhought it was me,I drive a green Ford.

And Jesus calling them to him said, suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the Kingdom of God.


I tow with a brown and tan ford and my ProGator is teal and silver.
I will try to post some pics soon of my Pro Gator. I encourage all to post pics as well.