Just bought Blazer 210/300 Yamaha -got questions

Started by WWDIII, March 09, 2008, 10:19:48 PM

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I quit tournament fishing in the mid to late 90's.  Decided to fish offshore and big game hunt more.  Well I did, never figured out offshore fishing and it takes longer to get to Africa or Alaska than it does to the lake.  At 52 I can live with out tourn fishing, but bass fishing and bass boats are hard to live without.

So last friday my birthday March the 7th, I bought a 2003 210 Double console with a 2005 300 HPDI.  Since you guys are all blazer guys I should be able to bore you with my story.  I always liked blazers, but never had one.  So I decided to buy one.  I found one in Baton Rouge LA, I live in Houston Tx.  About the time I found it and decided to make the 4 1/2 hr drive to look at it I came down with the flu real bad.  I called and had the transom and motor checked, but was bad sick and couldn't drive over and look at for a couple of days.  I called to tell them I was coming as soon as I felt better and it was sold (guy gave them down payment), but they were concerned he couldnt get a loan, they told me to check back with them on Tue.  I called back and they said it was mine if I wanted it, they gave me the normal story if I didnt want they had another buyer.  I gave them a grand over the phone with Credit card  to hold it just in case.

I crawled out of bed sick as a dog and my girl friend drove me over on Friday, she just had foot surgery and drove me over with a boot on her right foot.  I was so sick I barely remember the trip and come to find out if I didnt want it they had a line of guys ready to buy it.  It was everything they said it was, it was a consignment boat.  So I bought it for 18,500.  106 hrs on the motor, great shape, 27 pitch TXP, 10" hyd jack plate, near new 82# motor guide.  Black bottom, white hull with black stripe, good looking boat.

I wasnt in the best of shape today, but I took it out and ran it, but real sloppy/windy.  The 27 is great for going fast, but slow out of the hole with two people and both tanks full.

Like most used boats I figured it would have a few things to fix, fuel gauge on one of the tanks doesnt work, pretty sure its leaking in the back where the cap and hull meet, but I think I found the leak.  Live wells are not working right, I do not like recir live wells, never did.  Cockpit lights do not work, no biggie should be able to fix that, but may take it in and get the valves on the live wells worked on.

Trailer has some rust on it, will probably get it blasted and painted.  Might have a bad transducer in the trolling motor, front dept finder didnt work.

Questions are

I need a road cover, I will call Blazer and also google when I get time, but figured somebody would point me in the right direction.

I think I need to have the prop pitched to 26 (if I got caught in big water it could be ugly).  I used to send my props to a guy in Manny LA, but that was back in the day, not sure who I should send it to now.

Does it make sense to change the live wells to a pro air, or can I really fix what I have to keep water out of the live wells when I am just play fishing.  Reason I say this, I bought a new cajan once and I never had to fill the live wells, they stayed full, same set up I have on this boat, I have never neen able to keep recirc live wells working.  I like the pro air like I had on a Lazer I had in the early 90's.

Wonder what else doesnt work I hadnt found, will figure it out when I get back from work out of town end of the week.

Thanks guys, comments please.

Allen Shadd

Congrats on the new (to you) 210. I just traded a 2003 210 for a 2008 210. I like the'03 better in some respects. I'll try to answer your questions as best as I can. Let's start with your prop, try to get you going right. I have a 2003 Yamaha 250 V-Max, not the HPDI. I kept my motor from my old boat. I have a 27 TXP, I had it worked by Mark Croxton. One of the things he did was add small PVS blow out holes, if yours already has them you might try experimenting with different sized plugs. I don't think you need to have it turned down, if you're happy with the top end and how it carries a load, you can get the hole shot better. Sanderson Marine here at UB is a board sponsor and I'm sure can help you out as well.

  Call Blazer for info on the cover. They have them, you can order from them.

  Your boat should have two livewell controls right next to the shifter. You can set these so that the livewells stay dry unless you fill them with the aerator pump, or you can set them so that they just fill through the drain when you're in the water. Just remember that if you do this, once you get on plane the water will drain out if you have any fish in there. I would probably just replace the pumps myself, I had to once on my old 210 and it wasn't that big of a deal.

Good luck on finding all the little stuff and getting it right. We'd love to see pictures and a report once you get to spend some time on the lake with it.


I had a 99 202 and bought an 07 210 last year.  On the fuel guage, be sure it's not the guage.  Mine had went out on my 99.  Their is a way to test it.  If it's the guauge I think I have one.  I have to buy two when mine went out because they wouldn't manufacture just one (if one tank shows correctly and the other doesn't then be sure it's not the wiring behind the guage before you chase hoses).  The livewells are a little tricky.  The above guy described it perfectly.  As far as changing the pumps, most of the blazers had atwoods or mayfairs and you can just change the insert instead of the whole pump.  To will turn and pulls right out.