Tri-County Bassmasters

Started by bassnman30, March 23, 2008, 12:06:34 PM

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Tri-County Bassmaters is a christan oriented club with appx. 18-20 members. We fish all over the state. We are federated and fish the top six in the southern region. Looking for members whether you have a boat or don't.
We meet at the Sunrise grill in Tomasville NC on the first Mon of each month the meeting time is 6:00. Come visit


my name robert bohannon i would to joine ur club  .i live in thomasville nc my email  ~cf ~cf ~gfis [Please enable JavaScript to see this content]


my name robert bohannon i would like to joine ur club  .i live in thomasville nc my email   [Please enable JavaScript to see this content] i love jesus frist then family @bass fishing ~cf