Ultimate Bass Forum Guidelines and Post Rules

Started by MotherNature, September 29, 2005, 09:51:32 AM

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At All Times:

  • Keep all commentary civil, and be courteous at all times. Constructive criticism is welcome, but insults directed towards other users or the site admins will not be tolerated. Coarse/insulting language will not be tolerated.
  • No commercial advertising is permitted. Any posts deemed to be self promotion, advertising, or spam can and will be removed. NO SPAM - NO ADVERTISING
    This is not the place to settle a commercial disagreement or to be a 'wall of shame'. Any posts deemed to be of this nature will be removed. Settle your disputes in private please.
  • If you feel a post violates any of these rules, please send a PM to the moderators of that board.
  • Failure to abide by these rules may result in an editing, negative moderation or deletion of your post. We reserve the right to ban abusers from the site. We reserve the right to change these rules at any time.

A complete list of the Guidelines can be found HERE
