Need Help Choosing Rod Length and Fishing Line

Started by jmed999, July 25, 2011, 08:49:24 AM

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Hey Guys and Gals!  I'm kinda new to bass fishing so I'm in the learning phase.  I really like the Duckett rods.  I mainly fish on an 8 acre pond here in SC.  Most of what I catch are 1 pounders but the pond does have some 10 pounders in it.  I caught a 6 pounder a couple weeks ago.  8) I'm trying to get a rod set up for each lure I have the most luck with, ie. White super fluke, ¾ oz super spook.  So here are my questions...

-For the super fluke rod/reel setup:  What Duckett rod should I use?  What reel ratio is best for this lure?  What fishing line should I use (ie. Mono 12 pound, flouro 14 pound, braided 6 pound, etc)?

-For the super Spook top water lure rod/reel setup:  What Duckett rod should I use?  What reel ratio is best for this lure?  What fishing line should I use (ie. Mono 12 pound, flouro 14 pound, braided 6 pound, etc)?

Thanks and if I have left out some important detail please let me know.   ~cf