
Started by buzzinbass, February 03, 2006, 06:52:09 PM

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What has happened to the respect that other fishermen gave to one another? I was on douglas today trying to enjoy the day with my dad and a bunch of  ~xyz ~xyz O0 fishermen come running wide open within casting distance of the boat the lake is down but still have enough room to move over so that you don't wash the others on the bank or turn them over cause of the waves we gave  them a few  O0 they knew we was  ~xyz needed some  PoPo action but they was to  busy eating donuts and drinking some  ~beer~ instead of protecting us  ~xyz fishermen  lo very bad day but did catch some sauger but I didn't enjoy the day.


It is sad that some boaters dont have any more respect for others out on the water.Unfourtunately there arent enough  PoPo around to catch these  ^-^ when it happens.
Just remember, every dog has his day  ;D


A camera snapped  ;PHO) on the registration number and a partner witnessing is good enough to get a wildlife officer to pay the offender a visit. Apologies often flow. If they get more complaints on the guy they can ramp up some pressure on him. Just standing up taking a photo will get a boater's attention sometimes and might get an immediate apology. Be sure to sit down before his wake reaches you.  :o



That is a good  :-* there Jim.Sometimes it happens so fast there is not enough time to take the  ;PHO) though,Do you have any other suggestions?


Sorry about that buzzinbass  and it is sad that there are so many inconcederate boaters out there and like DAWG said there just isn't enough  PoPo to be everywhere and like Jim said a few  ;PHO) might bring a little responce  ~c~ ~c~ But with everyone downsizing to save money even the game  PoPo are getting less and less  :'( :'(

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet


Let the guy see you writing on your palm. That really disturbs a lot of people. Get the number anyway you can, report it. If you saw someone poaching a deer they would take your tip and investigate, and they will do what they can on a boating report, too. It took a while but we now have a number of cigarboat operators and numerous jet skiers banned from Lake Ouachita by both federal and state judges, county judges, and many parents are being affected over their teenager's antics. All it takes is a half dozen complaints or so over a period to get legal attention. When a pattern comes up, like always on a Saturday evening, unmarked patrol boats might be launched to lie in wait. You can provide an offender's habit pattern too and make it easier on law enforcement. But most of us don't take it far enough, if at al, so the bad boys get away with bad habits year after year. Some houseboat owners got fed up with a guy breaking the no wake zone with a 30' cruiser, rocking their vessels and even the slips so nobody could remain standing. They got a BBQ arranged and had some AGFC officers as guests on a day and time they knew the bad boy would pull his stunt, seeing his truck parked at his houseboat. The officers enjoyed BBQ and the no wake problem got solved the same hour the guy flipped them off passing by with them shouting to slow down. His houseboat and cruiser had to be removed from the lake.  ~c~

JUST for laughs....
:-* Take some soap and write on your boat "I REPORT BOATING IDIOTS".
:-*  Flare guns work wonders shot over bows. "I'm so sorry, I didn't realize you were so close."  :roll2:  Just be sure it is aimed safely. You need to practice using the thing, ya know. I'm being a very bad boy right now.  >:D
:-*  "I'm SO sorry, I didn't realize how far I could cast a 1 oz jig. I hope you don't sink. Wow, is that a NEW Ranger?"
:-*  "Could I have my 4 oz snagging hook back? I'm kinda wild with that thing, sorry. Hope you can fix that upholstery.



Spetro gonna jump all over dat one.... :surrender:



Jim we are being a little  >:D >:D today arn't we  :roll2: :roll2: but them are some good  :-*  :roll2: :roll2:

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet


I am  liking this better all the time  ~roflmao


 ::) Ohhh Great, just what Dawg DOESNT need, Ideas  ~roflmao


I am getting ready for this summer  ;D


"HEY! Ya almost threw me outta da boat! Why'd ya swerve like dat?"

"You didn't see that jerk almost skip a big jig to my boat? MAN, that guy needs lessons."

Object lesson.  :-*  They'll run over rocks along the far shoreline on their way back outta the cove avoiding your SLOPPY jig skippin....  Come on, now, DON'T hit that innocent $40,000 rig....just get close practice yer skippin.  ~an~

You've heard it said "People who live in glass houses don't throw stones." Some have to learn the hard way.



I agree with you guys and those are some great ideas...

Living on the Columbia River there is always plenty of room for people to spread out, but theres always a constant stream of people speeding within 50 ft of the boat.  Lucky there are cell phones now...Just pick up the phone and call it in, at least here their is usually a patrol but within a couple of miles. 


I Carry my wrist-rocket sling shot and a bag of marbles for snakes&gators etc. that get to close.
"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have." - Thomas Jefferson


Quote from: Ouachita on February 04, 2006, 01:15:13 PM

JUST for laughs....
:-* Take some soap and write on your boat "I REPORT BOATING IDIOTS".
:-*  Flare guns work wonders shot over bows. "I'm so sorry, I didn't realize you were so close."  :roll2:  Just be sure it is aimed safely. You need to practice using the thing, ya know. I'm being a very bad boy right now.  >:D
:-*  "I'm SO sorry, I didn't realize how far I could cast a 1 oz jig. I hope you don't sink. Wow, is that a NEW Ranger?"
:-*  "Could I have my 4 oz snagging hook back? I'm kinda wild with that thing, sorry. Hope you can fix that upholstery.


I know you're kidding around Jim....

It is frustrating doing what you do.  You're on the front lines. 

Florida will soon be dishing up the most stringent drinking and boating laws in the country..........

Dorks like this will soon be going to jail with boat AND tow vehicle being impounded.....Same as a DUI.  PoPo


As a park ranger on the lake those "ideas" were not made up, but actually came out in squabbles at the ramps between boaters. If I was rested I could maybe remember 100 more like them. We rangers fall in the middle of many an argument. But once they decide to listen to me I have a favorite line first for the accused with the ding in the boat hull from a heavy jig, torn seat cover from a big hook used for snagging catfish, scorched carpet from a flare blast, etc. I say "Sir, in order for you to be hit like that you had to be boating way too close per the law, and considering the space you had available there, in my opinion you could be cited by me and the Game & Fish for wreckless endangerment. Do you wish to continue your complaint against this boater?" They never do. Once they break up the one doing the damage will come out with "I can't help it I'm a bad caster. The guy just got in my way." or "I've never shot that flare gun before so I decided to test it. I just shot it and he was there. Is it illegal to shoot those things?"  So they break up and the big bassboat guy goes and sulks over the dent. I actually did have a guy ask me to get his 4 oz snagging hook back for him because if he approached too close he might get beat up. Grown up boys and their bigger toys. Oh well, there's more than those ways for a fellow to learn to be civil.



I know this guy , who knows this guy , who knows this guy see and I know this guys got an RPG man No Problem lo lo lo Seriously though, you did not have this problem 8-10 years ago, because alot of places banned PWC and DRN had enough officers to cover the water, for the amount of craft on it, but with cost containments, budgetary restraints, cost controls, retirement and attrition along with the increase of PWC and boaters, mostly un educated the Snake has risen it's ugly headMandatory Boater Awareness Class' are needed for first time boat owners, and Boater Safety courses should be also with stickers given to graduates to place upon their boats like the yearly ones displayed toward the Bow and if found guilty suspend the priveledge for 1 month if a graduate and if not suspend the priveledge until sucessfull passage of courses mandated/.......... ~shhh..otherwise 6 rounds from a 9mm aimed at the gunwall will get their attention----just kiddin--- >:D made me say that............Be Careful as the intellectually challenged are present.....

Keep the Rod Tip up and the Hook Sharp


That is some  :-* I have slung a 1/2 oz jig with treble hook tied on the back at them line messed up so didn't get to hit them but so close.

It just isn't one boat it's alot of them doing it I sent them an email about it but I don't think they will do anything It will take someone getting killed before they will do something and thats bad
I stood up with one and held out my hands in question they just waved and thumbs up I gave him a  ^-^  hand
I thought about pointing the gun in self defense cause I thought he was going to run over me and my life was at stack but I didn't I don't have this much trouble out of PWC (jet skiers) during the summer I have more trouble out of bass fishermen or other type of fishermen than anything but I've never seen it like I have these past couple of times I went there I'd like to go back and catch some more saugers but I don't know now.