2019 UBCS Results - Caney Lake, Chatham LA-13-14 Apr

Started by Chip Harm, April 15, 2019, 12:22:26 PM

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Chip Harm

First and foremost I would like to thank every one that came out to fish.  I would also like to thank our outstanding sponsors this year, Coca Cola, Southwest Beverage Company, and Barksdale Federal Credit Union.  These sponsors have stepped up for several years and we greatly appreciate their continued support.

We had a great turn out this year with 11 teams from each club.  This year the UBCS was held on Caney lake in Chatham, LA, launching from the Jimmy Davis State Park.

Practice days seemed to be looking good with several members catching some great fish.  Mike had a 8+ that he couldn't shake off and DJ caught a 9.15 he took to the certified scales.  Things were looking good.

LOCK JAW cooked up a great meal Friday night featuring Chicken & Sausage Gumbo and Seafood Gumbo.  I look forward to the food during this even every year

The tournament started Saturday morning with a heavy overcast, and unfortunately it didn't get any better as the day went on.  We had several lines of storms blow through with extremely heavy rain, thunder and lightning.  Most of the teams found shelter during the heaviest rain and thunder events.  We started weigh-in a little early since there were several teams had called it quits and sitting at the launch. Unfortunately, the big fish seen in practice didn't show for the tournament day.

Day two everyone showed up to the ramp and we made the call to cancel the second day.  The heavy rain continued through most of the night and the lake rose almost a foot, putting many private docks and property underwater.  Angler Safety and private property damage were key factors. The temperature had also drops to the mid-40's. 

Here are the numbers:

We had 42 anglers hit the water this year
44 fish were brought to the scales with a total weight of 94.51 lbs
Big Bass of the tournament was 6.24 lbs
5 five fish limits were brought to the scales

Total club weight- TCTC 34.11    LJBC 29.12

Congratulations to TCTC for taking home the Club trophy this year.

1 Big Bass - Ryan F. - 6.24
2 Big Bass - Chip & Andrew - 4.37
3 Big Bass - Kenneth & Gary - 3.85
4 Big Bass - Mike and Laurie - 3.84

Team Weights :

1. Mike & Laurie - TCTC - 15.04
2. Kenneth & Gary - LJBC - 13.35
3. Tony & Ralph - LJBC - 13.25
4. Ryan & John - TCTC - 11.20
5. John & Johnny - LJBC - 9.11
6. Brent & Brian - TCTC - 6.81
7. Jeff & Camron - LJBC - 5.46
8. Robert & JaNeice - TCTC - 5.30
9. Chip & Andrew - TCTC - 4.37
10. Jared & Susie - LJBC - 2.96
11. Jeff D - TCTC - 1.98
12. DJ & Mike - LJBC - 1.85
13. Don & Carl - LJBC - 1.31
14. Dwight & Chris - LJBC - 1.25
15. Jeremy & Lesley - LJBC - 0.94
16. Steve & Jeff - TCTC - 0.85
17. Jimmy & Melissa - LJBC - 0.79
18. Ron & Hubbard - TCTC - 0.00
18. Wayne S. - TCTC - 0.00
18. Paul and Curtis - TCTC - 0.00
18. Jim & DJ - TCTC - 0.00
18. Austin & Shelby LJBC - 0.00


Mike Cork

As I've said many times, this event is no stranger to bad weather (probably because we like to have it in the spring  8) ) but I still always have an amazing time. Thanks for the Deets Chip  ~c~

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service

Donald Garner

Chip tks for the posting.  For me it was another great visit with Friends  ~shade 

Congrats to TCTC on the Team Win  ~c~ 

Lock Jaw tks for having the Texas Orphans on your team this year.   You guys can sure cook up some great food  ~c~

It was a long drive home and we didn't have any issues with traveling.  Carl pulled the cover off the engine this morning and found a wire loose.  He played around with the wire and engine fired right up.

Yawl all take care and we'll see ya next year.

Tight lines

Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 


Well, I am sure glad I didn't come over for this years event   ~rain ~rain

Glad to see Sillybass do so well without me in his team   ~roflmao
2020 IBASS Gold - Zone 2 - AOY
2020 IBASS Classic - Winner
2020 IBASS Team Tourney - Winner (with FD)


Congrats to the winning team!!  When are those Lockjaw folks gonna learn not to mess with TCTC?

Ya mess with the best, ya get beat like the rest.
Doctor says I should stay away from other people.


      I'd like the thank everyone who showed up this year you all made this a great event as always!
Congrats to all the winners and TCTC on pulling out anther victory. Thanks to the sponsors and those who put in the hard work to make this possible. I'm looking forward to next year already!   ~beer~


Jared LeBlue

Always fun even though the weather doesn't always cooperate. Thanks for putting all together Chip and to all those that helped. I think Steve should be the official weigh master at all UBCS events, just saying. lo The lake fished tougher than I thought it would but as always someone figures something out.
Ardent Prostaff