where can I find H20 baits?????????????

Started by 24/7bassin, February 25, 2010, 12:35:18 AM

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I have looked everywhere I know to look, I have googled, binged, and yahooed H20 lures a million times and have yet to find a website.   I have looked on Bass Pro, Cabelas, and Gander Mountain's websites and have yet to be able to find anyone that sells them.  Can someone please tell me where I can find them for a fair price?  I am looking for a couple of decent hard swimbaits and maybe a couple jerkbaits.  Thanks.

Sorry I have so many threads going, I just have a bunch of questions. ~b~



hey bro i am on now if you have any more questions email me i am sitting here bored and would be glad to help


Academy does not have on-line sales.You have to go to there store to buy.There is a guy on the BBC that sells them at a marked up price.Best thing to do if you dont live by a store is to fine someone who does and is willing to get them for you.


e bay i was just looking at them yesterday. just type in swimbait to search and you'll get a bunch of them.


I am about 15 miles from an Academy in the Dallas area. I don't mind helping you get what you want. Shoot me an email with your wish list. We'll just need to figure out reimbursement. This offer goes to anyone on the forum. I don't get by there often, but I wouldn't mind making a couple extra stops. I appreciate all the advice that you guys/gals offer, so maybe this is a way I can contribute back. 


Hey i did some more searching for ya i found a place that sells them at a good price the website is www.jkretail.com hope this helps sorry i did not know you cant buy from academy online which is pretty lame i wonder why?


I work at academy. H2o is academies brand. And they do not sell anything but gift cards online. I have no idea why though. Seems like they would make a lot more money if they would. The h20 baits are pretty good or atleast they work good for me. I havnt tried the plastic swimbaits though. Anyone have any luck with them?


They look great.  Too bad they are so far away.

Alan Smith

They say they will be selling online in a few months  ;)